
Available Maine Coon Kitten MD

I brought Staples (formerly named

I brought Staples (formerly named Spartacus) 2 years ago during the pandemic and he is a pure delight to everyone he makes contact with. He’s full of energy, intelligent, easy to train, as well as stubborn at times, independent, and enormous of course. And his vet is super happy with his health too.

I was so nervous to pick a breeder because I’d never done it before and challenged Ms. Baron quite a bit. When I hadn’t heard from her, I thought my investment was gone but not only did she contact me back, she explained that some litters don’t make it 😭 and put forward the finest feline I have ever seen as an option to take home almost immediately.

I am so thrilled with him and Ms. Baron that I have deposited $ for another. Also, his energy is too much for my other darlings who are prematurely old in mindset 🤣

Anyway, thank you for being a careful and diligent breeder, ever concerned about the welfare of your cats’ descendants.