Our baby Fritzi is such a love! He’s been with us for three years now (he was our pandemic baby, though his arrival was planned before lockdown was on the horizon). I firmly believe that Lisa is just the BEST because she raises her kittens in a home with so much love, many kiddos to socialize the kittens, dogs and many other cats as well. Because of his awesome kitten-hood, Fritzi has always been the gentlest boy, and loves most of all to groom his people (the lick-iest cat I have ever met), and to snuggle with his kitty brothers, who are rescues with rough pasts. Integrating him into our home was easy because he was so easygoing. I can’t thank Lisa enough for giving me my baby, who sleeps on top of me or next to me every night. He will even come tell me it’s bedtime if I’m up too late, sitting in the doorway and talking to me until I get up from whatever I’m doing and come with him to bed. He lies on the floor of the bathroom watching me brush my teeth before bounding onto me in bed. I feel so lucky to have such a sweet boy as a companion. Thanks, Sheracoons!